
What is blockchain in simple words?

 Blockchain is a shared immutable ledger that enables the process of transactions and tracking assets in a business network . Blockchain is the technology behind all cryptocurrencies like bitcoin , Ethereum among others.Blockchain is a program in which a record of transactions of cryptocurrencies are stored and maintained across many computers peer to peer . Blockchain is a way of recording information in a way that makes it impossible to cheat the system . Information in blockchain is recorded in a way that makes it hard to hack through strong encryption or cryptography.The lists of records in a blockchain are known as blocks linked through cryptography .The blockchain is a public ledger of all registered and transmitted transactions within a new decentralized network that builds off of peer-to-peer technology. The blockchain is primarily a database of what is known as "blocks." Blockchains are primarily used as an incorruptible digital ledger of economic transactions. Blockchains were the first application of a concept called "Bitcoin," which is a digital currency. 

In a simple form blockchain is a network of computers which have the same history of transactions . Information is decentralized distributed through computer networks not in a one company database.Blockchain is a secure  method for allowing individuals to deal directly with others . Blockchain is a database that stores information in form of blocks  linked through cryptography.Blockchain technology is a game-changer. The Internet of Value is here. The blockchain will power the next wave of innovation across a number of different sectors, including agriculture.Blockchain technology is one of the most revolutionary technological innovations in recent years. With this technology comes the introduction of cryptocurrencies, which has created a paradigm shift in the world economy.Blockchain is a decentralized, distributed and immutable ledger that records transactions across many computers, which makes it a secure, verifiable and permanent way to store data. One blockchain can have different users, assets and data. The technology behind blockchain is called distributed ledger. With this technology, many different parties can share the same data, with no single entity having a monopoly or control.

Blockchain is without a doubt the biggest technological development of our time, it's even becoming a part of everyone's everyday lives. However, despite its massive coverage, many people are clueless about who really created the technology.The blockchain is a digital ledger. It was invented by an anonymous person or group in 2008, and it has been used in many different ways since then. It allows things like payments to be sent and recorded without an intermediary, but it is most commonly known for its ability to record transactions and maintain definitive records of who owns what.Satoshi Nakamoto created the blockchain technology in 2008 to serve as the public distributed ledger for transactions .The identity of Satoshi Nakamoto is unknown.Some of the investigations ended with Dorian Nakamoto being claimed as bitcoin's creator and still he continues to decline the claim.In the simplest form blockchain is the underlying technology behind cryptocurrencies like bitcoins.

Blockchain is a decentralized ledger that records transactions without the need of a third-party. Blockchain has the potential to transform the worlds economy. Blockchain is one of the most talked about technology advancements that have emerged in the past year, and I believe it's going to be one of the biggest innovations of the century. The word "blockchain" is still not widely known, but it's widely talked about. This may be due to the fact that Blockchain was the first time that people have come across the term. Blockchain is a decentralized ledger that can be used to record transactions. It can be used to track stock in a corporation, create a digital ID, hold medical records, and many other applications.Blockchain is a cutting-edge technology that is proving to be one of the strongest and biggest disruptors in the world of business. Blockchain works by recording and tracking every transaction. The technology is revolutionary as it has the ability to revolutionize the way that business is done. 

How does blockchain technology works?

Blockchain technology is a distributed database that maintains a continuously growing list of data records, called blocks, which are linked and secured using cryptography. These blocks can be added to or removed from the database by any node connected to the network.

The blockchain is a public ledger that records transactions across many computers so that the record cannot be altered retroactively without the alteration of all subsequent blocks and the consensus of the network. In this way it is more secure than traditional databases in that it can never be changed retroactively without altering all subsequent records. The blockchain database is shared by users across a large network and therefore represents an open and transparent ledger for recording transactions between two parties efficiently and securely.

Blockchain technology has been described as "the most important innovation since the invention of the internet".
The most famous blockchain is Bitcoin, but it isn’t the only one. There are other blockchains, including Ethereum and Ripple, which have been used in applications like smart contracts.

What does blockchain technology mean for your business?

Blockchain technology can be used to store almost any type of data securely and efficiently. It’s an open-standard platform where anyone can build software to connect with other systems or create their own blockchain.

Why is blockchain so popular?

Blockchain technology has huge potential for businesses because it provides a new way for them to keep their data secure and share it with other people who need access to it. In addition, blockchain has become popular because it offers better security than traditional methods such as databases or cloud storage services.

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