The word virtual reality is derived from two words that is virtual and reality each with different meanings.The term virtual means near and reality is what we experience as human beings .So when you connect both terms mean near reality . Virtual reality is type of reality emulation.Its a feeling of near reality for example like a dream .
Human beings know the world through senses and perception programs.We all know our senses like taste ,smell ,sight , hearing and touch .The true reality is that human beings have more senses for example of a sense of balance .So with the technology of virtual reality we feel the near reality but not the actual real reality .
In simple terms virtual reality is a reality that is not real . Virtual reality makes you feel very real but that is not the actual reality .It is an environment from the real world but not the real one . Virtual reality enables people to interact with a lifelike image for example like a digital representation of a person . Virtual reality is felt through senses .
When people enter virtual reality they feel what is happening around them but that is not the reality .Devices with gryroscope for interaction plus a VR headset to turn on display on your phone are some of things you need to be in that environment of near reality feeling.All you feel is the near reality consisting of virtual world , interactivity and sensory feedback.
Technically, virtual reality is a simulated 3D environment that people to interact with a virtual environment in a way that approximates virtual reality changes the environment to look like the real one but not the actual real one . Virtual reality is one of the modern technologies for human interaction .
Fully immersive simulations,semi immersive and non immersive are some of the types of virtual reality used to transform the real world into a virtual environment.
The main purpose of virtual reality is to create interaction just like we do in our real world for example in the virtual environment humans talk in a virtual way ,draw pictures in the virtual environment.