
What is machine learning

     Machine learning is a subfield of computer science that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed. Machine learning is an innovation of the modern age that has enhanced many industrial and professional activities and our daily lives .Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence that focuses on statistical techniques to build intelligent computer systems to learn from available database.Machine learning is a type of artificial intelligence that allows software applications to become more accurate at predicting outcomes without being programmed to do so .In simple words machine learning is a type of artificial intelligence that enables systems to learn and improve without being programmed . Machine learning confuses on developing computer programs that can access data and use it to learn from themselves .It's basically getting a computer to letting a computer to do tasks without being programmed to do so and that's how you can explain it a child.There are three machine learning types that is supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement learning.Some of the real life examples of machine learning are speech recognition,image recognition , medical diagnosis, extraction and so many more .

How machine learning works 

Machine learning is the science of getting computers to automatically learn from data. Machine learning algorithms are a key part of many of today's most popular technology platforms, including search engines, social networks and chatbots. Machine learning actually works by using algorithms to analyze large amounts of data and make predictions based on that analysis.

The idea behind machine learning is simple: feed a machine enough data, and it will learn how to process it without being explicitly programmed for every task. It's like having a computer learn to play chess by having it play thousands of games against itself. A program that can do this will have what's known as "generalized knowledge," which allows it to accomplish tasks beyond those that were explicitly programmed into its code.

Machine learning isn't just restricted to computers — it can also be implemented on other devices such as drones and autonomous cars. These devices typically use sensors such as GPS or cameras to collect information about their surroundings so that they can make decisions about what actions they should take in response (e.g., flying through a specific airspace) or whether they should take action at all (e.g., entering into a particular street).

Machine learning algorithms typically use these collected data points along with more traditional inputs .

Machine learning is used in many fields, including business, healthcare and education. For example, Google’s image recognition system can identify objects in images as well as determine when a certain object has appeared in an image before.

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